Hello Grief: A Place to Share and Learn about Grief - Powered by Comfort Zone Camp and made possible by a generous donation from New York Life, this helpful and informative Web Site is for parents, teens, mentors, friends and everyone else. Features include community support in the form of a discussion forum, helpful articles and stories, and links to helpful resources: “Hello Grief provides information and resources about grief in order to break through the current culture of avoidance that surrounds death and loss. Instead, Hello Grief addresses bereavement head-on for those who are helping others cope, as well as those who need support on their own personal journey with grief. In a world that doesn't get it, we do.”
Partnership for Parents - An online resource for parents of seriously ill children, this site also includes Sharing Wisdom, a number of articles written by bereaved parents from all walks of life, most of whom lost children to serious illnesses.
The Loss of a Child - A mother whose adult son died suddenly at age 37 shares her personal grief journey, offers insights and resources, and introduces her book, Living, Loving, and Losing a Son.
Gratitude in Grief - This extraordinary blog journal was created by freelance writer Kelly Buckley to document her journey following the tragic loss of her 23-year old son Stephen on July 4, 2009. Kelly is a gifted writer whose posts are filled with wisdom, resilience and hope: “One thing has helped me breathe, and that is finding at least one little thing to be grateful for each day, in spite of the pain.” Kelly’s blog is based on her newly published book of the same name, Gratitude in Grief
GrievingDads.com - After losing two babies to death in the span of two years, bereaved father Kelly Farley “made a promise to Katie, Noah and myself that once I was strong enough, I would reach out to other dads who’ve lost a child and help them come to terms with their loss and to help them find their way.” He developed his Web site as a way “to reach out to all bereaved dads and to provide a conduit to share their stories.” In addition to raising awareness of the impact of child loss on fathers, Kelly’s ultimate goal is to create a book that represents a cross-section of bereaved fathers. “I want anyone who picks up this book to be able to relate with someone else’s story so that they don’t feel so alone in their journey through grief. To let them know that other dads have traveled this path or are currently on the same path.” Bereaved dads interested in participating in his online survey will find more information here: Share Your Story
For Bereaved Spouses:
Journey Through Grief - Developed by Janelle Shantz Hertzler, a wife and mother whose husband was killed by a drunk driver in 2005, this site offers several well-written articles about the normal grief process. It is packed with creative ideas and practical suggestions to help others work through grief – by using memory books, journaling, poetry reading and writing, and much more. Janelle is the author of the forthcoming book Seasons of Solace: A Story of Healing through Photos and Poems.
After-Words - Here blogger LeighSW offers a useful road map of basic actions that need to be taken during the first few months after the death of a loved one.
For the Chronically and Terminally Ill and Those Who Care for Them:
Dying: A Book of Comfort – Author Pat McNees describes her Web site as an expansion of her book by the same title, which offers healing words on loss and grief, not only for the chronically and terminally ill but also for those who love and care for them. A wealth of useful information is included on her site, from managing life for the elderly and disabled to the healing powers of recording life stories and writing ethical wills. (Pat's beautiful book, Dying: A Book of Comfort
For Survivors of Suicide:
The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) invites those who have lost a loved one to suicide to join their e-survivor network. Members learn about new resources and initiatives and play a role in mobilizing support for research and education. As a tool for communication and for action, the e-Network addresses topics of interest to survivors and empowers those who wish to become advocates for suicide prevention. Click here to sign up for Survivor E-network E-mails, and here to learn more about the AFSP’s Suicide Prevention Survivor Outreach Program
Numbers to call if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts:
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
- Suicide & Crisis Hotline 1-800-999-9999
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