- Nice video! Holiday tips on caregiving, http://aarp.us/rWShQp by@ColoradoAARP via @denverhospice
- Dealing with family and friends regarding your special needs child, http://bit.ly/vNlRbm via @humagaia
- How to manage caregiving with an aging loved one, http://ow.ly/87Tph from @ctffox via @villagememorial
- Forging Adult Children-Aging Parent Connections before the Challenging Years, http://tinyurl.com/88othtl by @AsOurParentsAge
- A Christmas letter to touch your heart, http://bit.ly/vDKETi via @benjaminmast1
Friday, December 23, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, December 18 - 23, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
Understanding and Managing Grief, December 18 - 23, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Walking With Jane: The Day of Sun Return, http://j.mp/rY9h5m
- What Grief Taught Me About Love « Bertram's Blog, http://j.mp/vkZtSN
- Complicated Grief: I Love You, But I Hate the Choices You Made, http://j.mp/adF1M9
- Coping with Grief during the Holidays, http://WebTalkRadio.nethttp://j.mp/uuXE9G (interview with @JoAnneFunch)
- Use holidays to create Your Own Personal "Big Chill" Moment, http://bit.ly/sA89Yx by @friendgrief
Coping with Pet Loss, December 18 - 23, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Pet Peace of Mind: A Wish Fulfilled By a Hospice Volunteer, http://j.mp/txUU0M
- Does caring about pets mean you care less about people? NO! http://ow.ly/85xXf via @DrMartyBecker
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Understanding and Managing Grief, December 11 - December 17, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- I Don't Feel Your Pain, http://j.mp/uxAvht by @PatBertram
- 7 Healing Questions To Ask Yourself When Mourning, http://j.mp/tg6T25
- Grief in Alzheimers caregiving is unique, http://bit.ly/sVDur3 @usagainstalz via @theobserver
- Friend Grief and Guilt, j.mp/ti4ojT by @FriendGrief
- 12 Gifts of Christmas for a Grieving Heart (That Money Can’t Buy), http://j.mp/t1zdV9
Caregiving and Hospice, December 11 - December 17, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Clever! Work with Santa to turn generic offers of help into reality, http://bit.ly/s6WFny via @caregiverblog
- Plain Speaking at the End of Life, http://ow.ly/80yYf from @ContinuumHCH via @villagememorial
- Clearing up a few more common hospice myths, http://j.mp/tDwxtm via @SolariHospice
- Don’t Let Death Panel Debate Kill Better Way to Die, http://bloom.bg/tfUlfE by @ezraklein via @hospicepharmacy
- Senior Massage Therapy: "Thriving through touch," trib.in/vGxPyw via @Hospicecny
- How hospice helped to care for a man's wife and support his family, http://bit.ly/v8LNns via @MDelaCalzada
Coping with Pet Loss, December 11 - December 17, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Pets: our best source of unconditional love, http://ow.ly/7fHV3 from @faymclean via @Esdeer
- Animals Can Teach Us the Value of Vulnerability, http://j.mp/ueCFxE
Monday, December 12, 2011
Voices of Experience: Helen's Christmas Gift
From the heart of Bill Whittaker
My wife, Helen, and Fred Astaire went way back. At least, it seemed that way to me. It started in the 1960s, when Helen moved from Connecticut to Chicago to take a job as a dance instructor at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in the Loop district.
Some twenty years later, Helen and I were in Paris when Fred Astaire died. We got the news on television – French television. Our language challenge was broken when a Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire movie was broadcast in tribute to the deceased dancer.
Now, nearly 20 years after Fred Astaire's death, Helen was dead, too. She had been totally bedridden for the last four years of her life. During that time, we watched a lot of television, a lot of movies. We watched Rogers and Astaire musicals whenever they were broadcast. We liked those movies. They always made us feel good.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, December 4 - December 10, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Caregiving Confessions: When You Lose Your Temper, bit.ly/rt7XpK from @LeezaGibbons via @Caring
- Hospice volunteer brings comfort with his music, shebpr.es/uoav1n via @hospicepharmacy
- Teen describes her role as a hospice volunteer, http://j.mp/ud4H99 via @FlHospicesPC
- Another wonderful hospice video from 2011 Creative Arts Contesthttp://bit.ly/rDlnD7 MT @NHPCO_news
- If you wonder what hospice care is, watch this! http://bit.ly/uY6VY2 by @HelptheHospices via @Georgefan67
Understanding and Managing Grief, December 4 - December 10, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- In this touching video, a widow eulogizes her "beautifully imperfect" husband, http://j.mp/vCvmdb
- Grief: Counting the Days, Weeks, Months « Bertram's Blog, j.mp/skCTs7
- When There Is No Jingle In The Bells - Grief Healing Discussion Groups, http://j.mp/v5OWVE
- Blogs (and Books) for Bereaved Parents http://j.mp/v577pf
- Understanding Secondary Losses In Grief - Grief Healing Discussion Groups, http://j.mp/sfnbWR
Coping with Pet Loss, December 4 - December 10, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Veterinary Euthanasia: Under What Circumstances? http://bit.ly/tT6nCY via @Death_411
- Coping with grief over pet loss and thinking about adopting a new one? http://is.gd/3Xw0wV by @HowtoStuffHSW
- Do You Remember Love? | Love Poem from a Dog by James Jacobson, http://j.mp/uIFWay
- Informative article on animal hospice, http://bit.ly/sKFo5P from @SolariHospice via @commconn
- Why Does Pet Loss Hurt So Much? http://ow.ly/7fHQr via @Esdeer
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, November 27 - December 3, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Great article: How doctors handle their own dying, http://bit.ly/rI39ox MT @_lizzy_ #hpm
- Why are we afraid of talking about death? http://bit.ly/spB1co by @globeandmail via @_lizzy_
- How Should I Know When a Person Is Ready for Hospice Services? http://bit.ly/tFkMxG via @HorizonHCH and @hospice_news
- Eldercare and chronic pain management, http://bit.ly/rUYbpQ via
- On The Right to Die (see comments on this post, too!) http://bit.ly/rDZKVO by
Understanding and Managing Grief, November 27 - December 3, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Infant Loss: Healing Through the Anniversaries, http://bit.ly/rIn8zK by
- Fear of Loss from Grieving Dads Project, http://j.mp/tGrC87
- Tips for riding waves of grief when parenting a child with special needs this Christmas, http://bit.ly/sOAutC by
- Ashley Davis Bush: 6 Ways to Get a Handle on Holiday Stress, http://j.mp/vnexPX
- December Newsletter, http://j.mp/sq33v9 from
Coping with Pet Loss, November 27 - December 3, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Comforting video by New England Pet Hospice: Hold On Love, http://j.mp/uZBt5R
- Coping with Pet loss: Pet Burial, Goldfish to Horse, http://j.mp/vkn9eW
- Pet Peace of Mind (PPOM): Intervening Before It's Too Late, http://j.mp/u40Pm5
- Handling The Holidays When You're Feeling Blue about Pet Loss, http://j.mp/taqxx5
- Yay! ADEC lists resources for Coping With Pet Loss, http://bit.ly/shd82o
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, November 20 - November 26, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Hospice and palliative care from professional journalist and widow's perspective, bit.ly/mUQJZk via
- Proactive Caregiving during the Holidays, http://bit.ly/v0ClFv via
- Inside Chronic Illness, http://bit.ly/sJw1Qn by
- Engage with Grace, 2011, http://bit.ly/rKBGP8
- Caregivers: We're not Mother Teresa, http://bit.ly/tZecjW by
Understanding and Managing Grief, November 20 - November 26, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- The Unspoken Feeling: Grief And Its Impact on Teens, http://bit.ly/t9LAWi via
- Cheryl Eckl: What Does It Mean to Be Grateful? http://bit.ly/s6e71p
- Do you have books that have helped you deal with grief? by
@raidswindmills [Yes! Go see http://bit.ly/9J8Wa4]
- Bittersweet Paradox: Talking about Death is Talking about Life, http://bit.ly/tTqyca by
- Terrific grief support for teens: "Teens' Talk about Grief," http://ow.ly/7i4ML via
Coping with Pet Loss, November 20 - November 26, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- On Pets Dying, http://ow.ly/7C4mh by
- Excellent info on hospice for pets, http://bit.ly/u6UHcD via
- Resources for petloss (watch video, too!), http://bit.ly/uCeyHi via
@psa2 on@AnnArborcom
- Must read! Changing the Language of Euthanasia, http://j.mp/ur4GaQ
- Touching Story About Shakespeare's Last Day (Dog Tale), http://shar.es/ogL5W via
Friday, November 25, 2011
Engage with Grace, 2011
Occupy With Grace
Once again, this Thanksgiving we are grateful to all the people who keep this mission alive day after day: to ensure that each and every one of us understands, communicates, and has honored their end of life wishes.
Seems almost more fitting than usual this year, the year of making change happen. 2011 gave us the Arab Spring, people on the ground using social media to organize a real political revolution. And now, love it or hate it - it's the Occupy Wall Street movement that's got people talking.
Smart people (like our good friend Susannah Fox) have made the point that unlike those political and economic movements, our mission isn't an issue we need to raise our fists about - it's an issue we have the luxury of being able to hold hands about.
Once again, this Thanksgiving we are grateful to all the people who keep this mission alive day after day: to ensure that each and every one of us understands, communicates, and has honored their end of life wishes.
Seems almost more fitting than usual this year, the year of making change happen. 2011 gave us the Arab Spring, people on the ground using social media to organize a real political revolution. And now, love it or hate it - it's the Occupy Wall Street movement that's got people talking.
Smart people (like our good friend Susannah Fox) have made the point that unlike those political and economic movements, our mission isn't an issue we need to raise our fists about - it's an issue we have the luxury of being able to hold hands about.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, November 13 - November 19, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Five Myths About Hospice Care, http://ow.ly/7yBHV via
- Hospice helps you live well to the end, bit.ly/ut17Ee via
- Ten Caregiving Secrets We Aren’t Proud Of, http://dlvr.it/wkM2J via
- Very touching video, I Will Remember For You, http://youtu.be/9MOb5V1s6Ow via
- Plan Ahead to Make Thanksgiving Special for Aging Relatives, http://ow.ly/7y6vG via
- Hospice of the Valley awarded grant to support children nearing end of life and their families, bit.ly/sCqRsn
Understanding and Managing Grief, November 13 - November 19, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Different roads: How others' grief helps us cope with our own, http://bit.ly/uaBOsl
- Passage quilting: helping people through grief, http://bit.ly/vxlcxK
- HPNA's Position Statement: Role of the Nurse When Hastened Death Is Requested, http://bit.ly/s6Eq9x by
- Photos from NHPCO's 2011 Creative Arts Contest portray hospice, http://on.fb.me/tVtjKa via
- The Empty Chair at the Holiday Table, http://bit.ly/u13nc6
Coping with Pet Loss, November 13 - November 19, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Rev. Dr. Lillian Capehart: End-of-life care and animals http://t.co/tNjmSTZx
- When is it time to say goodbye to a pet? bit.ly/u3BFS
- Finding support for pet loss, http://j.mp/rYdAYs by
- Review: Katz book explains why pet loss hurts so much, http://bit.ly/sAVREP
- Research: How Animals Cope with Grief, http://j.mp/ssUoA9 via
- Using Books to Help Children with Grief, http://bit.ly/w4PFMh
Monday, November 14, 2011
Using Children's Books to Help with Grief
[Reviewed and updated February 8, 2025]
There is no substitute for books in the life of a child. ~ Mary Ellen Chase
Helping children understand death and the powerful emotions that come with any disappointment or loss is not easy, especially when other members of the family may be grieving, too. When adults are struggling with major life events such as divorce, serious illness, an accident, fire, natural disaster, a crisis in the world or the death of someone close, children may feel lost, frightened and confused. Under such circumstances, they need stable and consistent attention from their caregivers, accurate and factual information, and freedom to ask questions and express their feelings. Like the adults around them, they need time to explore and come to terms with the meaning of their loss.
One of the most effective ways to help children understand normal grief reactions ~ their own and that of the people around them ~ is to tell them a story, or you can read together one of the many wonderful children's books now available on loss, dying, death and grief.
There is no substitute for books in the life of a child. ~ Mary Ellen Chase
Helping children understand death and the powerful emotions that come with any disappointment or loss is not easy, especially when other members of the family may be grieving, too. When adults are struggling with major life events such as divorce, serious illness, an accident, fire, natural disaster, a crisis in the world or the death of someone close, children may feel lost, frightened and confused. Under such circumstances, they need stable and consistent attention from their caregivers, accurate and factual information, and freedom to ask questions and express their feelings. Like the adults around them, they need time to explore and come to terms with the meaning of their loss.
One of the most effective ways to help children understand normal grief reactions ~ their own and that of the people around them ~ is to tell them a story, or you can read together one of the many wonderful children's books now available on loss, dying, death and grief.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, November 6 - November 12, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Excellent! What to tell kids about cancer and palliative care, http://bit.ly/shv18i via
@MassGeneralNews and@CommonHealth
- How Veterans Can Get the Help They Need, http://bit.ly/udAfaS
- Straight Talk for Caregivers of Veterans, bit.ly/v219k
- Veterans Day, 2011: Honoring All Who Served, http://bit.ly/vQOBOw
- Will patients want hospice or palliative care if they don't know what it is? http://bit.ly/rsFixS via
- Top 3 Excuses From Siblings Who Don't Help With Caregiving, http://ow.ly/7g8ew via
- Wonderful! Magical Thinking in Caregiving, http://bit.ly/tuCrt3 via
- Delightful! Best medicine in caregiving is laughter, http://j.mp/uCBnw3 by
@NurseBarbDehn via@CaringForYouKel
- Canine Ministers of Healing, http://bit.ly/uKWEqx
- Benefits of using music therapy in hospice, http://ow.ly/7h51I via
- Lovely volunteer program: No One Dies Alone, http://bit.ly/tEmfah via
- How Can I Be a Compassionate Caregiver? http://bit.ly/tYtdxt
- How to deal with anger in a caregiving situation, http://bit.ly/o2dd4h by
- 25 tips: Caring for your loved one on hospice, http://ow.ly/7h4NJ via
- 40 years later, hospice still misunderstood, http://bit.ly/vQulXJ via
@hospicedave and@hospice_news
- Good article on caregiving during the holidays, http://dld.bz/axCBJ via
- Sneaky Ways To Make Respite Care Accepted, http://j.mp/u4odsS by
- Understanding Hospice Nursing, http://j.mp/tRBFAt via
Understanding and Managing Grief, November 6 - November 12, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Handling Grief through the Holiday Season, The Compassionate Friends Webinar on Thursday, November 17, 8-9 pm EST; register at http://t.co/ffKp0Uap
- Coping with The Holidays: extensive list of articles, books, ideas, http://bit.ly/3jkKKh
- Write On! The Storybooks for Healing (SFH) Community is Open, http://conta.cc/ukBZY0 via
- What is patience and where can I buy some? http://bit.ly/uAQOIX via
- What Else I Learned about Myself from Delle Chatman, http://bit.ly/uguYMn by
- Brilliant! Using photography as a way to fill the void in grief, http://bit.ly/vc7Egm
- Therese Rando on Interventions after Traumatic Death, bit.ly/w500Ph ADEC webinar on Wednesday, November 16 by
- Coping: I Miss You So SO Much! http://bit.ly/rM92xG by
- Perinatal loss: the truth about grief, http://bit.ly/vibFXw
- Suicide is hard to comprehend for those left behind, ithacajr.nl/uh83lw
- Dealing with a deceased loved one's personal belongings, http://tinyurl.com/7vmqo99 via
- What I Learned about Myself from Delle Chatman, http://bit.ly/rGmjli via
- "The Surviving Parent's Role" in grief, http://ow.ly/7i4BL via
- Ain't No Sunshine: Men Reveal the Pain of Heartbreak, http://bit.ly/oeligm via
Coping with Pet Loss, November 6 - November 12, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Outstanding! 12 Ideas on Coping and Finding Comfort in Pet Loss, http://bit.ly/uVjRyJ
- New England Pet Hospice: Loving Care Is What Hospice Is All About, http://bit.ly/sNO0dj
- Vet school provides hospice care for pets, http://bit.ly/v2YWIy by
Monday, November 7, 2011
Veterans Day, 2011: Honoring All Who Served
Our country has established two holidays ~ Veterans Day and Memorial Day ~ to honor the men and women who have worn the uniform of the United States. Unlike Memorial Day (the day we set aside to remember and honor military personnel who died in the service of our country), Veterans Day is intended to thank and honor all those who served honorably in the military, in wartime or peacetime, as well as those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. Veterans Day is intended to thank Veterans and their families for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served ~ not only those who died ~ have sacrificed and done their duty.
In addition to the Veterans Day National Ceremony held each year on November 11 at Arlington National Cemetery at 11 a.m., communities across America plan their own ways to observe the holiday ~ but you need not wait until that day to reach out to veterans and their families.
In addition to the Veterans Day National Ceremony held each year on November 11 at Arlington National Cemetery at 11 a.m., communities across America plan their own ways to observe the holiday ~ but you need not wait until that day to reach out to veterans and their families.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, October 30 - November 5, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Caregiving when the recipient is hard to love, ow.ly/7jj9U MT
- Top 10 Rules to Break in Hospice Music Therapy, http://wp.me/pfeG5-qr by
@RachelleNorman via@ContinuumHCH
- Learn more about Pet Therapy in hospice, http://ow.ly/7ikQ4 MT
- When End-Of-Life Talks Confuse–or Do Not Happen http://ow.ly/7iGrq RT
- Adaptive clothing in eldercare, http://ow.ly/7iGmU via
@ShelleyWebbRN and@ctffox
Understanding and Managing Grief, October 30 - November 5, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Grieving Dads Project aims to support men in grief, http://shar.es/bDwRt from
@GrievingDads via@will_carryon
- Book Review: Robert Orfali's Grieving a Soulmate, http://bit.ly/vSqBtN by
- 6 needs of mourning, http://ow.ly/7bd3z by
- Share your story: How mums live on in us, http://j.mp/vYgOGX by
- Helping children deal with death, http://j.mp/vpAOrm
Coping with Pet Loss, October 30 - November 5, 2011
Best selection from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- New children's book about pet loss, Snort's Special Gift from
@BPPress via@MCAmatters
Monday, October 31, 2011
National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, November 2011
By proclaiming November 2011 as National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization encourages every American to increase our understanding and awareness of care at the end of life and to observe this month with appropriate activities and programs.
Most of us have heard about hospice care. We know that hospices care for people at the end of life. Many of us know a family or friend who was helped by hospice when faced with the serious illness and death of a loved one. But there is so much more to know.
For example, did you know that hospice provides what the majority of Americans say they want at the end of life ~ excellent pain management, comfort, and support for the patient and family caregivers?
Here are ten more things you should know about hospice:
Most of us have heard about hospice care. We know that hospices care for people at the end of life. Many of us know a family or friend who was helped by hospice when faced with the serious illness and death of a loved one. But there is so much more to know.
For example, did you know that hospice provides what the majority of Americans say they want at the end of life ~ excellent pain management, comfort, and support for the patient and family caregivers?
Here are ten more things you should know about hospice:
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, October 23 - October 29, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Denise Brown on generating a national data base for caregiving, http://j.mp/w4Bj1D via
- Why Choose A Hospice Care Program? http://bit.ly/txe9ih via
@SanDiegoHospice and@SolariHospice
- Jesse Hinton's Testimonial for Hospice and Palliative Care Center, http://ow.ly/7cnEg via
- Support of the Fur Family in Caregiving, http://lnkd.in/bsyySu via
- Promise and pitfalls of palliative care, http://lat.ms/mUeprR
Understanding and Managing Grief, October 23 - October 29, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Lovely! We only think we have forever http://scr.bi/rNKToT by @likes2writealot
- Losing a Child: Connecting Now and Forever, http://j.mp/synhUo
- How Not To Respond To News Of A Divorce, http://j.mp/tpn2mE by
@huffingtonpost via@StoryForHealing
- To Tell or Not to Tell…That You’re Dying, http://bit.ly/sjw0bi by
- Finding a sacred space for grief allows connection, http://bit.ly/v12sli
Coping with Pet Loss, October 23 - October 29, 2011
Best selection from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Veterinary students learn to comfort bereaved clients, bit.ly/tPcV3B by
- Mourning the loss of Bella the Dog, dear companion to elephant Tarra, http://j.mp/s2sq4n
- Wonderful! "Dogs in Heaven," http://bit.ly/ujKK8m by
Monday, October 24, 2011
Voices of Experience: The Pie Dish
It is the miracle of memory that transforms a houseful of stuff into a heritage of love and connection. ~ Emily Barnes, in Timeless Treasures: The Charm and Romance of Treasured Memories
Of her beloved grandmother who died earlier this year, the author of this lovely piece* writes, "My Grandma raised me, so she was more like my mom. She was my best friend ~ my biggest supporter ~ the only person I have ever felt would love me no matter what."
It is amazing how small things can take you back to the one you love. The way the sun streams in the window, a smell, a sound . . . little things.
Of her beloved grandmother who died earlier this year, the author of this lovely piece* writes, "My Grandma raised me, so she was more like my mom. She was my best friend ~ my biggest supporter ~ the only person I have ever felt would love me no matter what."
It is amazing how small things can take you back to the one you love. The way the sun streams in the window, a smell, a sound . . . little things.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, October 16 - October 22, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Keeping a Wheelchair-bound Loved One Comfortable http://ow.ly/75yP4 MT
- Benefits of palliative care for seriously ill, http://ow.ly/72zwH via
- Personal stories about people's experience with hospice, http://ow.ly/73Xnq MT
- Jane Gross on the Failings of Medicare - Excellent review, http://ow.ly/74Olk by
@geri_doc on@geripalblog
- Caregiving Dilemma: The Undeserving Parent, nyti.ms/mQrtuO by
@nytimeshealth via@emilybarryPR
Understanding and Managing Grief, October 16 - October 22, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Book, Alone - For All Those Who Grieve by W. F. (Bill) Cento - Beautiful, touching, uplifting via
- Book to help young children understand death and grief: Tess's Tree, via
- Is Depression a chronic disease? http://j.mp/q3cFBH
- When friends aren't notified of a death, http://bit.ly/ooMyqw by
- Practical, helpful suggestions for Healing After Trauma: Open to Hope interview with Ed Tick, http://j.mp/p5Z8aI
Coping with Pet Loss, October 16 - October 22, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Online Studies Program Offers Expert Help in Dealing with Pet Loss, http://ow.ly/732Nq via
- Veterinarians: Fluent in Dealing with Death - Vetstreet, http://j.mp/qexSna
- Finding Support for Pet Loss, http://j.mp/olji4Y
- In Caregiving and Grief: Beware of Military and Sports Metaphors, http://fb.me/CYzZx008 by
Monday, October 17, 2011
Finding Support for Pet Loss
[Reviewed and updated October 26, 2024]
If you are mourning the loss of a cherished pet, you may have some of the same questions and share some of the same concerns I often hear from other bereaved animal lovers:
How do I know when it is time to actually get some counseling for grief from loss of a pet? Sometimes we wish that others would just be there for us without our having to ask. Unfortunately, when it comes to loss of a beloved animal companion, that’s not likely to happen. It’s not so much that others are cold and uncaring. If they’re not animal lovers and they’ve never had pets, or if they’ve never allowed themselves to become attached to animals as companions, there simply is no way for them to fully understand the attachment we had to the one who died, the significance of our loss and the depth of our pain. They may unintentionally minimize our loss or, not wanting to see us hurt, discourage us from expressing our grief. Sometimes the insensitivity of others can be even more painful for us than grief from the actual loss.
If you are mourning the loss of a cherished pet, you may have some of the same questions and share some of the same concerns I often hear from other bereaved animal lovers:
How do I know when it is time to actually get some counseling for grief from loss of a pet? Sometimes we wish that others would just be there for us without our having to ask. Unfortunately, when it comes to loss of a beloved animal companion, that’s not likely to happen. It’s not so much that others are cold and uncaring. If they’re not animal lovers and they’ve never had pets, or if they’ve never allowed themselves to become attached to animals as companions, there simply is no way for them to fully understand the attachment we had to the one who died, the significance of our loss and the depth of our pain. They may unintentionally minimize our loss or, not wanting to see us hurt, discourage us from expressing our grief. Sometimes the insensitivity of others can be even more painful for us than grief from the actual loss.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Caregiving and Hospice, October 9 - October 15, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Nutrition As We Age, ow.ly/6WzVA by
- Heartwarming! Pets as Caregivers, http://ow.ly/6Xisn via
- Beautifully stated observations on end of life care, http://bit.ly/nIkcvK via
- The Double Effect of Aid in Dying, http://huff.to/nmxIAU via
@EOLnavigator via@huffingtonpost
- Clearest overview of Medicare hospice payment, http://1.usa.gov/r10sty via
@ContinuumHCH and@donaldhtaylorjr
Understanding and Managing Grief, October 9 - October 15, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Why a Parent's Death is a special kind of loss http://tinyurl.com/3zdxmjc via
- Psychic Medium John Edward spends an hour with Anderson Cooper on Monday, October 17, http://j.mp/qiJ0zY
- Light Up A Life: Hospice of the Valley's annual remembrance event, November 11, 20/11, http://j.mp/nyGnJy
- Birthdays after the gift of grief, http://bit.ly/aeds6z by
- Helping a Grieving Parent, http://j.mp/oGdFP5
Coping with Pet Loss, October 9 - October 15, 2011
Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:
- Saying Goodbye to Linus http://j.mp/oVDViF by
@mypixieblog via@GDRPempress
- CLEO: The Cat Who Mended a Family (Book Review), http://goo.gl/fb/X7LLT via
- Survey: Seeing a favorite pet is the "most common dying wish," http://ow.ly/6Sl8O via
- In Home Pet Euthanasia Becoming More Popular, ow.ly/6Sm7o via