
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Caregiving, Grief & Pet Loss, September 29 - October 5, 2019

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Drawing on her own experience, JaneRVN explores the issue of taking time off when grieving for a pet, and how knowing yourself can help. Grief is Grief, « Vet Times 

When graveyards are the place your kids visit their dad, how do you reconcile a season full of plastic headstones and scary places? When Halloween is Real: Plastic Skulls and Real Cemeteries, « Refuge In Grief

My husband died six months ago today and today I found comfort in some simple little rituals that brought me closer to him. Mourning Rituals for 6 Months, « The Artful Caregiver

As I continue to work with widowers from around the world, I can’t help but notice how some widowers are reluctant to be coached. Widowers Need To Be Coachable, « National Widowers' Organization

Ask Dr. Neimeyer: From a mother of a lesbian 16 year-old who died by suicide mysteriously. My Daughter Took Her Own Life, « After Talk

A man searches for some advice on how to help his wife come to terms with the loss of her vision. In Grief: Coming to Terms with Blindness, « Grief Healing

In addition to the inevitable anguish that most of us experience when losing a animal loved one, the next most common emotional challenge I hear about with clients is guilt. Guilt and The Subtle Layers of Letting Go « Animal Souls Matter

Four questions can help develop a ritual for honoring loss and healing grief. The Power of Rituals to Heal Grief « Psychology Today

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