
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Understanding and Managing Grief, May 24 - May 30, 2020

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Thanks for the kind review! "This reputable blog provides professional insight into the latest news on grief with a focus on the needs of professional and family caregivers. Grief Healing Blog’s professional insight is given by author and grief counselor Marty Tousley RN, MS, FT. She regularly features her responses to readers’ questions about grief in her blog posts." Blog Profiles: Grief Support Blogs « Beyond Bylines

Nasturtiums have been my favorite flower since I planted my first garden in 1975. They are colorful, beautiful, prolific and easy to grow, and they can make any landscape look like a fairy tale kingdom. What Flowers Teach Us About Death « The Original Afterlife Awareness Conference

Just yesterday I saw something I’ve never seen before at a funeral for a young mom and her daughter, killed together in a car accident. Over a thousand people wanted to attend their service but the health precautions kept all but immediate family from attending the actual service. Funerals in a Time of Quarantine « GriefPerspectives

Hospices routinely provide bereavement care to family members after a patient reaches the end of life, but increasingly during the COVID-19 pandemic they are seeing more people afflicted with disenfranchised grief. Hospices Help Families Address Disenfranchised Grief « Hospice News

It’s not unusual to feel sad after someone close to you dies, like a parent or spouse. But sometimes your emotions – yearning, anger, bitterness – become so intense they derail the grieving process and interfere with your ability to function. That type of grief is called complicated grief, and older adults are especially vulnerable. Explaining 'Complicated Grief': When Grief Doesn't Go Away « Kiplinger

Spring is a time for celebration and new beginnings. The flowers bloom, the sun begins to shine again, and families prepare for graduations, vacations, and the completion of a school year full of hard work – a moment of validation for both children and parents. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has altered those experiences for many, and instead, this spring has been filled with very different experiences for families around the world. Grief from loss during uncertain times « Spencer Evening World

Bereavement after losing someone to the coronavirus is challenging. Our expert offers advice to help you cope and heal.  Tips for Grieving the Loss of a Loved One to COVID-19 « UChicagoMedicine

I was on the phone with someone whose loved one died a few days ago. This person hurts physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But grieving, nowadays, has become worse. With its shelter-in-place and social-distancing demands, the Covid-19 pandemic widens and deepens grief. And then my dog arrived. Dog Rules for Grieving « Hospice Matters

 A reader writes: "I don't know what to say, what to do, or where to go anymore. I have lost four very good friends within a 10 month time span . . . Am I just being self-centered, self-absorbed?"  In Grief: College Student Struggling with Too Many Losses « Grief Healing

Originally designated as a day “to cherish tenderly the memory of our heroic dead,” Memorial Day offers us a great opportunity to recognize and honor the sacrifice of these dedicated service members and their families. Making the Most of Memorial Day « Grief Healing

On a recent episode of How To!, Megan Devine, a psychotherapist and author of It’s OK That You’re Not OK, reveals why the classic five stages of grief are misunderstood. Here’s What the Five Stages of Grief Get Totally Wrong « Slate

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