
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Understanding and Managing Grief, May 19 - May 25, 2013

Best selections from Grief Healing's Twitter stream this week:

Is Criticism of DSM-5 'Anti-psychiatry'? « Huffington Post

“Now You’re a Soldier” « FriendGrief

Helpful! When Kids Can't Remember Someone Who Died, « What's Your Grief?

Bereaved teens face hidden challenges, « Hospice of the Valley

The impact of grief on you and the family, « Hospice of the Bluegrass

Tragedy, Trauma and Death: What to Tell Children , «

Why a Parent's Death Is a Special Kind of Loss, «

Memorial Day: Make it a Time of Remembrance and Support, « NHPCO

The importance of preparing for a good death, « Canberra Times

DSM-5 Resource Guide, « Psych Central  

How will you honor lost loved ones this Memorial Day? « Seven Ponds Blog

Missing Moments and Letter Writing: A Journal Exercise, « What's Your Grief?

Why Hope Alone Is Not a Strategy for Healing Grief, « Grief Digest Magazine

The Power of Bearing Witness, « Hello Grief

Applies to grief following any significant loss: Responses in the Fourth Year after Disaster, « Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement

When does a broken heart become a mental disorder? Rarely, if ever, « Bereavement Care Centre

Outstanding! Coping with Pregnancy Loss, « What's Your Grief?

Today is all we have: Shining Beacons, « Widow's Voice

Transition after Loss: Tips for Navigating the Neutral Zone, « Grief Healing Blog

Weekend Edition: Focus on Suicide, « What's Your Grief?
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