
Thursday, June 17, 2010

News from Gift From Within: PTSD Resources for Caregivers and Survivors

The following information comes to us from Joyce Boaz, Executive Director of Gift From Within, the international non-profit organization for survivors of trauma and victimization.  With the trailer below, she introduces Striking a Chord, a new music documentary by Susan Cohn Rockefeller (to be released later this year), about US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and the healing power of music:

From Gift from WithinWhat's the effect of four deployments on an American soldier? Susan Cohn Rockefeller's new documentary Striking a Chord is a window on that world, where troops maneuver between constant threat and crushing boredom. It's also a look at how music can provide some relief and a return, however brief, to normalcy. The backdrop to the story of Striking a Chord is the somber reality of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and its devastating and isolating effects. Striking a Chord reminds us that when our soldiers return home, they need special care and attention; PTSD is a disorder that many veterans are ashamed to speak about. Yet it's all too common, and, as the film shows, music can provide a way to begin the healing process.

Joyce also announces a new article from Gift From Within entitled Understanding Complex Trauma, Complex Reactions, and Treatment Approaches, by trauma expert Christine A. Courtois, PhD. Written primarily for beginning therapists and practitioners, the article includes an overview of what constitutes complex traumatization; common initial and long-term responses and symptoms; and their diagnostic conceptualization as complex PTSD or DESNOS (Disorder of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Specified). An overview of treatment sequencing and stages is included, along with a bibliography by Christine Courtois.

Additionally, due to the overwhelming positive response to its first group of webcasts, Gift Form Within has decided to produce more of them, and sometime in July 2010 will present new educational webcasts featuring its Founder, Dr. Frank Ochberg.  The programs will be of interest to trauma survivors, clergy, therapists and camp counselors.

© by Marty Tousley, CNS-BC, FT, DCC  

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